Sacred Sound Chant & Mantra
An introductory online course into the art of Vedic Chanting. For Chant enthusiasts wanting to develop a Chant practice to infuse their personal practice & teaching
Sound is vibration, frequency
Sound is vibration, frequency.
Using your own body as a tuning folk as you chant sacred sounds and mantras, is a potent and powerful tool of healing and expanding consciousness.
If you desire greater harmony, contentment, if you desire to develop greater resonance with the frequency of the universe, chanting can do that for you. Using the breath and combining contemplation of the wisdom of the Vedic mantras, chanting is a rich and complete practice.
Sacred Sound
Be guided step by step, line by line to chant
invocational mantras,
peace mantras,
goddess chants,
powerful Vedic chants,
bija mantras and more
From foundational practices through to longer Vedic passages, learn and develop a chanting practice from a classical Vedic chanting perspective that cultivates greater calm, clarity & freedom in yourself, your relationships, your whole life.
Activates your voice, speech and clarity of expression.
Each chant or mantra is accompanied by transliterated text, audio and video support as you develop your chant sadhana.
What’s Inside
A step by step guide to Vedic Chanting
Start anytime and work through at your own pace
The modules
▷Rules of Vedic Chanting
▷ Vedic Chant
▷ Invocational chants
Vedic Chants
▷ Pañcamaya-Slokah
▷ āyurmantrah
▷ sivapancaksari-mantrah
▷ Chandra
▷ gayatri-mantrah
▷ laghunyäsah
▷ Süryanamaskära-mantrah
▷ Durga
▷ Arogya Mantra
▷ Suktums
▷ Closing Mantras and Maha Vakyas
▷ Chant practices #1
▷ Extra Resources
New content is periodically added to the portal which you’ll access during your time in this programme
+ You have unlimited access to Sacred Sounds portal for 12 months
+ You’ll access the Wealth of Yoga private group to share your reflections, ask any questions and connect to the WOY community
Teacher - Dory Walker
I've dedicated and invested 30 years of learning, study and practise into the transformative power of yoga. My first introduction to yoga was as a baby when my Dad would chant to Mahamantra to my sister and I at bedtime, it become a mantra that was a feature through my childhood.
My first Asana classes were Iyengar yoga but a few years into practice I discovered a teacher who chanted at the beginning and end of class mostly Om Namah Shivaya. I loved it, it opened something inside of me.
Mantra, Japa and Kirtan become a love and central to practice and teaching for years. In 2012 I had an itch to go more deeply into chanting which led me to meeting my teacher Radha Sundarajan whom I took a 2 year Vedic Chant Teacher Training with in the Krishnamacharya lineage and studied with her until her passing in 2021.
Chant and sacred sound is a vehicle for healing ad connection. It opens the voice and promotes deep meditative states.
A Bhakti or devotional practice chanting is medicine for the soul.
It promotes elevated states of concentration, heart connection, elevating consciousness, flow states and ultimately connects you to Universal Consciousness and embodied Oneness which is the essence and essential teachings of the Vedas.
Chanting is a central Sadhana for me. If you would like to explore chanting and sacred sound or deepen in your chanting Sadhana I can’t wait to share the joy of mantra with you.
‘SACRED SOUNDS - Chant & Mantra’