For those wanting to dive deeper into Yoga to enhance their practice and experience even bigger shifts from practice: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually
online courses
Expert courses & programmes
elevate your Yoga practice
Transform your mindbody, ignite your soul
Deepen into your full potential
Art of Shoulderstand
LIVE Course
Starts 21 October 2024
Finally unlock the keys to develop and master a comfortable, balanced practice. Experience the full potential of this wonderful posture
A-Z of asana
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Finally learn each Yoga posture inside-out so you’ll finally have the know-how, experience and tools to deepen and progress your practice
Headstand Fundamentals
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Finally learn the most effective methods and techniques to develop and master headstand. No more walls, feeling unstable thinking you’re not strong/flexible enough.
Wealth of Yoga full spectrum Yoga practice programme: asana, meditation, philosophy, chant, breath work & more
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Finally unlock the keys to an embodied Yoga practice that actually impacts you at the deepest level. Go beyond the endless loop of practising to feel less stressed/anxious/unhappy or more relaxed/whole/energised, by uncovering & rewiring identity patterns at the source of your being, so you can live life with full purpose, prosperity & peace
Monthly Momentum - 21 days of Yoga practices
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On-Demand classes
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A selection of over 160 of our most popular classes. From active sequences to restorative practices to deep inner focus, explore a complete range of asana where your awareness, attention and body/mind connection take centre stage. Wherever your are and whatever you are watching this on, we hope these recordings provide substance and inspiration to your practice development.
The Meditation Vault
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Learn the art of meditation
Finally bring inner peace, clarity and balance into all areas of your life: family, relationships, business
Sacred Sound: Chant & Mantra
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An introductory online course into the art of Vedic Chanting. For Chant enthusiasts wanting to develop a Chant practice to infuse their personal practice & teaching