For human beings ready to activate infinite potential

Infinite Potential portal

with Dory Walker

The Infinite potential portal is for you if… you’re ready to live your life at the highest level of potency, power, self leadership, intimacy and possibility that you could possibly imagine


Are you ready to fully commit to life, to show up in your wholeness, raw, wild and free, dancing with your infinite potential?

Whatever the vision, the mission, the impact you desire to have be it in your business, parenting, relationship any area of your life starts with your energetic alignment.

The Quantum transformation you desire, IS waiting for you and the more people who are anchored in energetic alignment to knowing who they truly are in their multidimensional wonder, the more we are on track for a paradigm shift as a whole, as a humanity. 

Being held in community, putting yourself around the table of elevated conversation, being in reflection of your repeating patterns allows you to outgrow your limiting beliefs and old stories and rise like the Phoenix Dragon you are. 

I stand for infinite possibilities and freedom, for me for you for us and I invite you to join me in the


12 Activations to connect to your infinite potential & Quantum self 

Live transmissions to unleash your power

+ access to all recordings from past transmissions

NOW is the time



One Payment Option £555

Payment Plan
5 x £125 monthly payments*

Live timings and login details to your online portal will be sent to you after booking
PLEASE NOTE All enrolments are non-refundable - Terms & conditions apply
*20% VAT is included in advertised programme price


I’m Dory Walker

I've dedicated the past 25 years to the study and practise of the transformative power of yoga. For me this is everything about living a full and radically aligned life OFF the yoga mat.

I’m a mum of two, published author, entrepreneur and believer in miracles. You can live the life you desire and share you passion. You can have it all.

A super power of mine is TRUST 💫 A deep trust in life and the knowing that everything is always working out for me. I know freedom is available to everyone, no exceptions and that it is an inside job.

I am available for a radically aligned life. I listen to and act on the nudges.

Continuing to choose to listen to the nudges has not always been easy, often on paper it hasn't made sense.

And I made a decision a long time ago not to be led by what 'makes sense’ according to societal conditioning, family expectations or any external markers but what feels right. In my heart, in my gut and in my body.

When I get a nudge I jump into things before I can swim - but then it’s perfect I learn to swim.

Never one for rules I follow my heart. It’s a cosmic and miraculous compass and it’s feels a lot.

I was 22 when I took my first yoga teacher training - which lead into 9 years of deep practice, study and travel, a peripatetic gypsy following my soul purpose and joy.

My life in those years was abundant with experiences, new horizons, forging deep connections and friendships. Freedom was the thing I prized the highest and so guess what I had it in abundance. What you focus on expands.

I’ve never been a 9-5 er. I have always known with crystalline certainly that wasn’t the life for me. I trust in my creativity, strength and resourcefulness.

I know that the stories we tell ourselves, our core beliefs are powerful. SUPER-POWERFUL. I am intentional about the stories I tell.

As I evolve my life evolves. As I grow my business grows.

I’m 44 now and what I know to be true is that I get to step away from things that are not in complete alignment.

Does it always make sense on paper? NO.

Do I trust the nudges YES? 100%. Rip up the rule book.
Follow the nudges.

Be INITIATED into the life you truly desire.

You’re more powerful than you think, you are infinite, whole and part of the infinite whole.

No permission slip needed.

You do you.
Because in all the billions on this planet.
There is only one of you and will only ever be one of you.

So what are you doing with this one wild and beautiful life?