For those who want to develop their Yoga practice (and if you teach, teaching skills) with comprehensive understanding of each posture

The Wealth of Yoga®

The A-Z of āsana

with Rory Viggers


On-Demand (Learn + practice anytime)

Learn each Yoga posture inside-out so you’ll finally have the know-how, experience and tools to deepen and progress your practice


"I absolutely love the A-Z of Asana - I am learning so much about each posture and how to adjust alignment to really understand the poses and exploit the full benefits. I really can’t recommend it enough; it’s been transformational to my practice and my well being."
Fiona / Yoga Teacher


You will learn...

  • The how and the why of every classical yoga posture (Foundation and Intermediate postures from all asana groups).

  • Modifications, adaptations and alternatives dependent on injuries, how you are feeling and appropriateness.

  • The essence and purpose of each posture.

  • The Sanskrit name and meaning.

  • How the body often circumnavigates, compensates and avoids certain actions.

  • Safe practice of each asana & so much more

  • And if you teach, gain greater depth and knowledge to be a better and more effective teacher.

Why learn this way?

If you look at the pros + cons for learning and experiencing different elements of practice, a Yoga Class does not tick every box.

Specifically looking at the best environment to learn and understand Yoga postures, there are more helpful environments than classes

If you want to teach Yoga and learn the postures, you don’t get this knowledge and understanding from exclusively attending classes

You enrol on a specialist course where you learn the postures in a very different environment to how you would do in a class

This process involves the systematic study and focus of every posture INDIVIDUALLY.

10 years ago I was introduced to this form of learning and have spent the past decade learning, practising and sharing Yoga this way.

It was a game changer in terms of understanding each posture, the how, the why and being able to share with my students through teaching.

Why should a more detailed understanding of postures be exclusively for those who want to teach?

This is why I developed the A-Z of asana programme.

It's an opportunity for you to learn all the postures individually and understand them in great detail, without having to enrol on a Yoga Teachers Training course.

With a more detailed understanding, you can enhance both your personal practice as well as your class experience, whichever style of Yoga you practise.

Our programme has not only helped students in their practice, its helped Yoga Teachers too.

I’m excited to share with you and support your practice

How it works

Access a library of 75+ Key Yoga Postures

Work through each posture in your own time

Postures are split into asana families (eg. standing postures, forward bends, etc)

Adaptations and modifications are given where appropriate

New postures added periodically

Yoga has done so much for me. Increased the plasticity (strength and flexibility) of my physical and mental healthenhanced my breathing, focus, clarity, increased my awareness and so much more.

I’m sure some of these things ring true for you too.

The game-changer for my practice (and teaching) was a more in-depth understanding of each posture, something you rarely experience in a Yoga class environment.

And The A-Z of āsana does just that.

Your Teacher


Rory Viggers

Rory's unique teaching style skilfully enables you to uncover a greater depth of awareness and understanding in your practice. Informed by multi-disciplines his approach is intelligent, passionate and insightful. I am a direct student of one of the last living greats, Dona Holleman. The yoga I share has purpose, intention, precision, intelligence and soul. It continues to be informed by all the inspirations in my life, past and current teachers, mentors, trailblazers and most importantly from the precious and essential time in my own daily Sadhana where ideas are incubated, experimented and processed. I teach long term practitioners, yoga teachers, yoga teacher teachers and those new to yoga with my partner Dory Walker.

”Both Rory and Dory are such exceptional teachers; their knowledge, wisdom and understanding (both of the anatomy of yoga and the philosophy) shines through”
Tabitha, Yoga Teacher


Technical & Access

What you’ll need.
To get the most out of this programme, we suggest having the following (or similar)
2 x blocks
long belt
some wall space.

How to start

Membership starts the day you join.
Once signed up we’ll onboard you into the library.


”There are yoga teachers and then there are teachers of yoga. Rory belongs to the latter group.”
AH, Yoga Practitioner

 Register for this programme

Start Now!

One Payment Option (12 months) £197

PLEASE NOTE All enrolments are non-refundable - Terms & conditions apply



Is this programme suitable for me?

This programme is open to All Levels of experience but NOT for complete beginners. If you are unsure of suitability, have an injury, are pregnant or have a medical condition, please contact us to discuss.

Which system of yoga is this?

The asanas are relevant to all systems of asana. Our students include teachers from Ashtanga, Iyengar, Sivananda and many more approaches, who have applied these methods and principles to enhance their own system.

What yoga equipment do I need?

We suggest having access to the following items or similar:
2 x blocks, blankets, long belt, theraband, chair, wall space.

Which asana’s will I learn?

This is an ongoing programme. The longer you are in the programme, the more asana’s you’ll learn. You’ll explore a full range of asanas from the different asana groups: Standing Postures, Seated Postures, Forward Bends, Twistings, Backbends. Inversion foundations.

What if I can’t practice the asana?

If there are asana’s that aren’t suitable, you can still participate in learning about the posture and the methods used to help and support each student.

Can I cancel?

All memberships are non-refundable.

The Wealth of Yoga - expert yoga trainings

contact us

If you have any questions, please contact us here