For engaged yoga students, teachers and all who desire to live the practice
Sādhanā Sangha
Finally learn how to create time, consistency and motivation to develop, deepen & enrich your practice. Positively impact yourself, your relationships, your whole world and Live with greater peace, purpose and joy through full spectrum Yoga. It will change your life like never before.
The Wealth Of Yoga®
You’re in the right place if…
✩ You love yoga, want to learn more, have an appetite for deeper study and expansion into all areas of practice
✩ You’d like guidance and direction to develop an enriching practice that you’re motivated and committed too and can fall in love with
✩ You want to create more time for practice (and the things in life that light you up)
✩ You want integration from practice to evolve physically, emotionally, energetically, spiritually and mentally
✩ You want to positively impact all areas of your life such as business, relationships and teaching
✩ Your practice (and/or teaching) is being held back because of your current mindset, beliefs and mental blocks
✩ You feel alone and long for a community of likeminded practitioners and know accountability will be gold
✩ You’re interested in learning and developing your practice from the same wealth of resources usually only found in Yoga Teacher Trainings with expert guidance and instruction
✩ You teach yoga or have practiced for a long time and feel what you’re currently doing is uninspiring, directionless or plateauing and you’d love to reenergise it
Does any of this sound familiar?
✩ Your busy life (single parent, have a super-busy job, irregular hours) often means you don't have enough time or know how to make time for practice…
✩ Or you believe the time that is available isn’t enough to create any meaningful, sufficient or purposeful practice (and often do nothing instead)
✩ When you practise you feel lost or end up procrastinating, get distracted, don’t do much/anything as you're unsure what to do and where to go next
✩ You have a regular practice but feel something is missing and can't quite put your finger on it
✩ Your practice feels very ‘physical’, one dimensional and not really like yoga
✩ You practise but your current regime still leaves you distracted, unfocused and the mind wondering
✩ No matter how much you practise, peace and joy feel illusive
✩ You’re unsure if you're doing things ‘right’… or if you teach, you feel that you don't have enough knowledge and experience to share with others
✩ You have an understanding of yoga philosophy but can't connect it and embody it in your practice (or teaching)… or you have a regular practice but yearn for more philosophical context to underpin the experience
✩ You’ve attended infinite classes, courses or trainings to figure things out to develop your practice but often find yourself unfulfilled or falling back into usual patterns
What would it feel like to have the time, motivation and focus to transform your practice and life off the mat?
Imagine the freedom and joy it would bring to how you show up in life.
Confident in your Self-leadership, making empowered decisions for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being.
Leading yourself into your full potential..
Free from old patterns and habits into your Infinite potential.
This gets to happen for you when you prioritise your yoga practice.
It starts with making a decision.
You can expect to experience these outcomes in your practice, on and off the mat, in Sadhana Sangha.
Sadhana means practice. Sangha means community. These two pillars are the cornerstone for change.
How does Sadhana Sangha do this for you?
If you want a consistent, sustainable, embodied and expansive practice that creates tidal waves of change in your…
relationships with family, friends & colleagues
business pursuits
self development & spiritual journey
All these areas can be radically impacted and abundantly transformed through Sadhana Sangha
What would this transformation get to look like and feel like for you? See what the community have to say.
Our students who have already graduated from the programme and our students who are currently enrolled, have experienced radical change and positive impact in areas of their life they never expected.
Our mission is to help you experience all that’s possible from a full spectrum expansive practice and elevate your life in ways you never thought was possible through yoga.
We stand for the limitless potential in each and every human… we stand for your Sovereignty, power, source connection and consciousness.
What Sadhana Sangha could do for you practice & life
The what and the how
You are a multidimensional human. You are physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual.
Transformation and integration comes through the sum of parts.
The Sadhana Sangha curriculum activates all these layers and helps create the seismic changes you desire.
Our method and approach involves support, guidance and structure, three pillars that help integrate a richer practice into your life.
You’ll experience a weekly LIVE programme containing a range of activating, inspiring and engaging independent sessions of…
✩ Practice Mentorship
✩ Asana
✩ Meditation
✩ Pranayama
✩ Vedic Chant & Mantra
✩ Yoga Philosophy
✩ Transformational Breath
✩ Ayurveda
✩ Essential & Foundational Texts (Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, etc)
And there’s more. You’ll…
✩ periodically have Immersive Sadhana programmes of intensified practise that will give you inspiration and momentum to keep showing up and doing the practise to inspire your life and impact positive change.
✩ become part of the Sadhana Sangha community and connect in a private group to ask questions, receive guidance and be inspired
✩ have access to the Sadhana Sangha portal containing a library of rich practice resources and a wealth of content from the full spectrum of yoga to further develop your practice.
✩ have complimentary access to many additional programmes and courses we run during your time in this practice container.
The combination of these practices gives you the depth, the knowledge, the full circle of Yoga.
You get the consistency, accountability, structure and time frames.
You get the how and the why.
And from this, the keys to a richer practice that creates the joy, peace and positive impact on your life off the mat.
Experienced through our unique Sadhana Sangha support, method & approach, transformation happens. The consistency, time, motivation, knowledge, peace, empowerment, prosperity and the freedom.
Support is vital to confidently navigate your path of practice and to shift into all that’s possible for you. Sadhana Sangha will give you that
Transform your practice through experience
We are Dory Walker and Rory Viggers.
We’ve dedicated and invested nearly 30 years of learning, studying and practising into the transformative power of yoga.
We’ve studied with global leaders, change makers, experts and radical minds and are direct students of some of the worlds leading yoga authorities on asana, pranayama, meditation and Vedic chanting.
Teaching yoga full time for over 22 years, we've helped 1000’s of yoga practitioners, trainees and yoga teachers develop and integrate their practice.
Our personal Sadhana practice is at the heart of everything we do. Our successes are built on the foundations of practice. Transformation from practice can positively shape every aspect of your life.
It lights us up to see our students stepping into their own sovereignty and true nature through expansive practice. Our students are more empowered in their relationships with family and friends, more abundant, directional and confident in their business, and most importantly can step into knowing and actioning what they really want from life - it’s a joy to witness.
Sadhana Sangha is where this magic happens, the place to make the shift to all that’s possible through Yoga.
Expansive practice has changed our lives and our students lives.
It can change yours.
“The Sadhana Sangha program has been a true exploration of yoga to deeper levels of the self. The embodiment of continued practice and the beauty it brings to your life. It has provided me so much learning from the wealth of all expertise of the teachers involved. I have loved all parts of the program and enjoyed going back to the beginning to explore the more explanatory sessions. I will truly miss the asana classes as that’s where my love of yoga began and want to sign up to online classes in the future. I feel I have started my journey in meditation, pranayama, philosophy, PYS, chanting, Ayurveda and relating it to our daily lives. I am so grateful to have spent this precious time with you all in the sangha. I have made some lovely friends too.”
— Shiva
Be part of a powerful community.
Support is vital if you really want to make seismic change.
As well as guidance, structure and mentorship from us, you’ll be part of a group of likeminded practitioners providing invaluable support and shared experiences.
We know what it takes as we continue to tread this path. We also wish we knew what we now know when first embarking on our yoga journey.
We know that staying inspired is key to you showing up for yourself. The more you practise and study, the more you have to share and the bigger the impact you'll make in your own life and the lives of others and in galvanising positive change.
Are you ready?
Take radical responsibility and align yourself to the tug of your soul.
If you have a smile on your face and a big YES rising up from your belly, join us.
"It is difficult to find the words to express just how amazing and special Sadhana Sangha is – I can’t believe what I have learnt about myself and the shifts that have followed as a result. I had been looking for a long time for a course to help me dive deeper into yoga that wasn’t teacher-training and I am so very grateful that I discovered this programme. Dory and Rory are, without doubt, two of the most dedicated and authentic yoga teachers I have come across and it is an absolute privilege to be taught and guided by them, as well as by the other wonderful guest teachers. The rich content of the programme is just incredible and I love the fact that I can access everything via the portal at a time to suit my schedule. Working full time and with a busy family, I was concerned at the outset that I wouldn’t be able to “keep up” but the programme is so flexible, this is never an issue. My practice has really evolved and I truly feel that yoga has become integrated into so many other areas of my life in addition to on the mat. Sadhana Sangha has exceeded all expectations and I can honestly say that it is the best thing I have ever done for myself."
— Louise
REAL lasting change takes time and commitment
(spoiler) there is no quick fix or short cut
You’ve probably been enticed by many 21 day or 3 month programmes. This short-term method may create positive impact but more often than not it quickly fades. We’ve been there.
We know that it’s time and commitment that creates the transformation and having support is invaluable.
A 6 month timeline means there are phases of life when things flow more easily for you and periods when roadblocks and curveballs (often unexpected) will appear on your path. A short term approach may coincide with a natural period of flow so can't effectively prepare you for when the going gets tough.
This is why Sadhana Sangha is a minimum of 6 months. To help you establish yourself in Sadhana in a way that will support you, give you independence and freedom, through all phases of your journey with this community and beyond.
More time allows you greater potential to undo thought processes and unhelpful patterns that are getting in your way and holding you back.
Integrate and embody practise in a way that elevates your whole life. As you recalibrate your habits and mindset you get to experience the joy of practice as it becomes the natural fabric of your daily life.
The weekly schedule gives you the support, accountability and guidance required to help integrate, develop and deepen your practice.
What you’ll receive…
✓ Support
✓ Accountability
✓ Guidance
✓ Asana
✓ Meditation
✓ Pranayama
✓ Vedic Chanting
✓ Philosophy
✓ Mentoring
✓ Patanjali Yoga Sutras
✓ Ayurveda Essentials
✓ Transformational Breath
✓ Learning Library
✓ Community
✓ Experienced Teachers
✓ Mantra
✓ Weekend Intensives
“Sadhana Sangha has been a game changer for me… it has refined my practice inside and out. I am more intuitive in my practice, more curious and playful - while letting go of uncertainty and doubt. This attitude extends itself to all other areas in my life - my three jobs, my family and friends, myself, the world. A teacher of yoga, I teach yoga with more clarity and certainty now, I feel like I belong to the role in a much more profound way than before. Sadhana Sangha has helped me arrive to myself - I feel that I am living to my fullest potential now and it is all thanks to our incredible teachers Dory and Rory who have created this magnificent space for us, and with such fierce and beautiful energy. Thank you both so much!”
— Laura

Starts October 2023
(This is your last chance to join as the programme ends February 2024!)
“I'd been looking for a course to expand my yoga practice for some time before I discovered Sadhana Sangha. The depth and breadth of explanation and care and attention given by Dory, Rory and the wonderful guest speakers through the unique blend of modules has truly surpassed my expectations. It’s challenging, engaging and has been transformational. I have managed to keep pace with the course whilst in full time employment due to the flexibility of the programme and I have felt improvements in so many aspects of my life since committing to this programme and practicing what I’m learning. I don’t want it to end.”
— Jennifer
Broaden and develop your yoga tool kit to experience the true richness of practice
Does the idea of immersing yourself in practise and mentorship feel exciting, an opportunity to deep dive into asana, pranayama, meditation, mantra and yoga philosophy?
A opportunity to give you unshakable foundations to see you through the obstacles that will appear.
If you keep coming back to the feeling, I need more yoga, I want more yoga, answer that call.
We are infatuated with yoga. It's the desire to know oneself more intimately that keeps us coming back, to go deeper and marinate in the juice of practise. It's alchemy, the fruits of which are to be shared. This is parampara. The passing of knowledge from teacher to student.
Our teachers have given and continue to give us so much. We want to share these fruits with you.
What we have witnessed so far from those in Sadhana Sangha has been incredible and inspiring. Practitioners stepping fully into their own sovereignty, taking radically responsibility and positively impacting areas of their lives they never thought a yoga practice could transform.
We’d love to help you step into all that’s possible from a sustainable, consistent, personal and expansive practice.
When you positively change, those around you change.
Personal and collective transformation and abundance.
Sādhanā Sangha
“It will change your life. I’m seeing the world with new eyes. It’s absolutely worth it. My practice has improved enormously"
Abi, Yoga Teacher
Who is sadhana sangha perfect for?
SS is perfect for you if…
Yoga is something you already practice or teach.
You want to learn more and practice more
You want to deepen and widen your spiritual connection
You are looking for mentoring and guidance in your practice
You value community
You want to establish a regular practice or strengthen the practice you have
You want to broaden your practice and explore mantra, philosophy, pranayama, meditation as well as further develop your asana practice
You are looking for ways to integrate yoga into your daily life so it becomes embodied on and off the mat.
You are someone who attends yoga classes regularly but would like to have your own independent practice.
Who is sadhana sangha not for?
SS is not for beginners or those new to yoga
It’s not for those who say “I don’t have time’ every time
It’s not for those who only want surface level and only the physical
How much time will I get with Dory & Rory?
Participants can receive custom advice on the group momentum sessions and Q&A and inside the private fb group where you can ask direct questions and get feedback.
Rory & Dory lead most of the live sessions. Other sessions are lead by very experienced facilitators in their fields of expertise.
If you are a VIP, you get Rory or Dory for a 45 minute monthly 1-2-1 for the duration of the programme.
What style of yoga is this programme?
Whichever method of Yoga you currently practice be it Ashtanga, Iyengar, Sivananda, Vinyasa, Yin or any other, you can apply everything in this programme to your personal practice and enhance it.
When will the live classes take place?
The live sessions vary to accommodate time zones (these are subject to change when Dory and Rory are travelling); Session times vary from early morning to evening, some daytimes and weekends.
All live sessions are recorded and replays will be available in the membership portal for you to access throughout your time in Sadhana Sangha.
How much time will I need to participate? How can I get the most out of sadhana sangha?
Live sessions times vary from 2 - 4 hours per week. On top of this there will be your own personal sadhana goals. For some that might be 15 mins per day 4 days a week, for another that might be 2 hrs a day 6 days a week. This will be personal and needs to be aligned with where you currently are in your life. The main thing is consistency. Alongside the live classes we encourage you to use the community and the resources in the membership hub, which will constantly be added to and where ever possible we record additional practices to support your sadhana.