Live Virtual Training Series

The Art of Scaling your Wellbeing Business & Fully LIVE your Purpose

WIN a FREE Retreat Place
HOW? Show up live, do the homework, share in the telegram group.
We’ll announce the winner at the end of the training!

We really encourage you to show up live, interact and complete the homework. This is part of the process, the inner work required to make the shifts you obviously desire by being here.


Day 1 | Vision and identity
Your CEO breakthrough

Day 2 | Frequency
Your key to unlock true prosperity


Day 3 | Innovation & Income
Your road to scale


Day 4 | Future You
Your next steps


What Next?

Emergence Business Mastermind

A powerful 6 month group coaching mastermind for Wellness teachers & entrepreneurs who desire unlimited growth and expansion in their business

Special Training Offer £1000 off the usual price (offer expires 20/9/23)
Use Code: SCALE2023

+ Bonuses
✩ 6 Months Access to Infinite Potential Portal (Value £555)
✩ Activate your VISION immersive Mastermind 2 day intensive
(Value £497)
✩ Sadhana Sangha
(Value £1777)

+ FAST ACTION BONUS / Join before 18/9/23 and access a FREE place on our Women’s Alchemy Retreat in Cotswolds this November