21 day activation accelerator to clear the path for truly intentional and aligned living

This is for you if you’re a soul centred entrepreneur, yoga teacher, coach, wellness practitioner or creative and you’re ready to move beyond self censorship, strengthen your self agency and claim the life you desire.

Rip up the rule book, live the life you desire


Are you feeling stuck and frustrated but know there is so much to be experienced?

What if I told you it could change in an instant?

Do you feel in your heart and gut that so much more is possible and available to you?

Stop saying yes to things when you mean NO

Get crystal clear on what you’re available for and release habits and outdated patterns

You have so much to say and share but most of it stays inside your head!

Learn how to move beyond self censorship and start creating and being visible in a way that allows you to share your message.


This is for you if you’re ready to re-define your boundaries, strengthen your self agency, move beyond self censorship and claim the life you desire.

INITIATION begins September 1st

Are you ready to:

⚡️Release limiting beliefs

⚡️Empower yourself through understanding key archetypal patterns

⚡️Align your core values to the life you desire

⚡️Unlock Quantum Codes to supercharge your powers of manifestation

⚡️Be held in the transformative power of the collective

⚡️Align to the codes of INFINITE receiving

Get ready to INITIATE and ACCELERATE your ALIGNMENT to your purpose freedom and abundance, pull up the anchor and get ready to set sail into the next chapter of aligned life.

"It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection."
Bhagavad Gita 3.35

Get clear on what you want and claim it.
Are you ready for INITIATION?

Meet your mentor…


Hi… I’m Dory Walker

I've dedicated and invested nearly 30 years of learning, study and practise into the transformative power of yoga.

A super power of mine is TRUST 💫

A deep deep trust in life and the belief that everything is always working out for me.

I am available for a radically aligned life. This gets to be a beautiful process of stepping more and more into what is aligned and releasing the rest.

Continuing to choose to listen to the nudges and be led by my dharmic calling has not always been easy.

Often on paper it hasn't made sense.

But I made a decision a long time ago not to be led by what 'makes sense’ according to societal conditioning, family expectations or any external markers but what feels right. In my heart, in my gut and in my head.

When I get a nudge I jump into things before I can swim - but then it’s perfect I learn to swim.

Because I know I am infinitely supported by an infinite universe that’s my home.

And I am an Infinite being.

Never one for rules I have followed my heart. It’s a cosmic and miraculous compass and it’s feels a lot.

I was 22 when I took my first yoga teacher training - which lead into 9 years of deep practice, study and travel.

I was a peripatetic gypsy following my soul purpose and joy - in trust that everything works out and is unfolding perfectly.

My life in those years was abundant with experiences, new horizons, forging deep connections and friendships.

The freedom was the thing I prized the highest and so guess what I had it in abundance
What you focus on expands.

I’ve never been a 9-5 er. I have always known with crystalline certainly that wasn’t the life for me.

I trust in my creativity, strength and resourcefulness.

I was 31 when I landed back in the UK.

I had no money.

I could have told myself a whole load of stories. That I was ‘old’ had been irresponsible.

But I know that the stories we tell ourselves, our core beliefs are powerful SUPER-POWERFUL

I decided what I wanted to do
Set up a teaching space
I taught and shared and spread the magic of transformation

I ran classes and workshops
I taught trainings and retreats
I created community
I wrote a book
I still traveled

And I saved money

At 34 I bought my first property

Continued to spend at least 2-3 months of the year travelling and teaching away

At 36 I had my first daughter
And I shifted my creative focus to organising lots of retreats in the UK

I built it up to 26 retreats a year - it was the perfect business to create with little people coming into my life

At 38 I bought my second property and kept the first. At 39 I had another daughter.

As I evolve my life evolves. As I grow my business grows.

I’m now 43 and at the beginning of the year I stepped away from organising all of the retreats

It was no longer in complete alignment
Did it make sense NO

Did I trust the nudge YES 100%

Last year I invested an eye watering amount of money in ME

Did it make sense NO
I knew I wanted support

And I trusted myself

I was willing to jump
And I was willing to ask for help
Because my vision is greater than my fear

Of getting it wrong
Of being judged

The life I desire for myself, my family
And the impact I desire to have with my work.

Is big and that is 100% perfect

And so I followed the nudge

I trusted

Last year I made over 6 figures in my business, after 2 years of pandemic and completely changing things around

I share all of this to say to you

Rip up the rule book
Follow the nudges

Be INITIATED into the life you truly desire.

You are more powerful than you think, you are infinite whole and part of the infinite whole 💜💜

No permission slip needed
You do you
Because in all the billions on this planet
There is only one of you and will only ever be one of you

So what are you doing with your life
Spend your days in joy and freedom


Dory has an unparalleled wealth and depth of knowledge on all aspects of yoga which she can readily draw on. Her ability to articulate succinctly key elements of yogic philosophy and connect them to our contemporary lifestyles allowed me to really focus my attention on my own personal values for development.


To be guided along the path whilst connecting together in sangha finding our own way home is vital today. Thank you so much for being such knowledgeable and sincere guides offering what so many don’t
Sona, Yoga Teacher

INITIATION starts 1 September 2022

How do I receive INITIATION?

⚡️2 hour weekly LIVE transmissions on Zoom + Q&A (Recordings Available)

⚡️Private group for discussion

⚡️Daily prompts and activation

⚡️Meditations, Movement & more



£97 launch price
Jump in now, the price will be going up


PLEASE NOTE All enrolments are non-refundable.
*Terms & conditions apply

Who is ‘INITIATION’ for?

For soul centred entrepreneurs, coaches, yoga teachers, healers, and wellness professionals, this is for you if you feel in your bones that your current paradigm doesn't serve the highest vision you have for your life.