Get perspective and clarity

7 days of Voxer mentoring
with Dory Walker


Get support and clarity on your next aligned steps in practice, self leadership and business.

£99 - Limited Places


PLEASE NOTE All enrolments are non-refundable.
*Terms & conditions apply


What is Voxer?

It's an app which works like a walkie talkie. Basically you’ll have Dory in your back pocket for a week to ask all the questions.


Meet your mentor…


Hi… I’m Dory Walker

I've dedicated and invested nearly 30 years of, study and practise into the transformative power of yoga.

I’m a mum of two, published author and believe you can live the life you desire and share you passion. You can have it all.

A super power of mine is TRUST 💫 A deep trust in life and the knowing that everything is always working out for me.

I am available for a radically aligned life. I listen to and act on the nudges.

Continuing to choose to listen to the nudges has not always been easy, often on paper it hasn't made sense.

And I made a decision a long time ago not to be led by what 'makes sense’ according to societal conditioning, family expectations or any external markers but what feels right. In my heart, in my gut and in my head.

When I get a nudge I jump into things before I can swim - but then it’s perfect I learn to swim.

Never one for rules I have followed my heart. It’s a cosmic and miraculous compass and it’s feels a lot.

I was 22 when I took my first yoga teacher training - which lead into 9 years of deep practice, study and travel, a peripatetic gypsy following my soul purpose and joy.

My life in those years was abundant with experiences, new horizons, forging deep connections and friendships. Freedom was the thing I prized the highest and so guess what I had it in abundance. What you focus on expands.

I’ve never been a 9-5 er. I have always known with crystalline certainly that wasn’t the life for me. I trust in my creativity, strength and resourcefulness.

I know that the stories we tell ourselves, our core beliefs are powerful. SUPER-POWERFUL. I am intentional about the stories I tell.

As I evolve my life evolves. As I grow my business grows.

I’m 43 now and what I know to be true is that I get to step away from things that are not in complete alignment.

Does it always make sense on paper? NO.

Do I trust the nudges YES? 100%.

Last year I invested an eye watering amount of money in ME.

Did it make sense? NO. I knew I wanted support. And I trusted myself.

I was willing to jump. And I was willing to ask for help.

Because my vision is greater than my fear.

Of getting it wrong. Of being judged.

The life I desire for myself, my family. And the impact I desire to have with my work.

Is big and that is 100% perfect

And so I follow the nudges, I trust.

Last year I made over 6 figures in my business, after 2 years of pandemic and completely changing things around.

I share all of this to say to you.

Rip up the rule book.
Follow the nudges.

Be INITIATED into the life you truly desire.

You’re more powerful than you think, you are infinite, whole and part of the infinite whole.

No permission slip needed,

You do you.
Because in all the billions on this planet.
There is only one of you and will only ever be one of you.

So what are you doing with your life?