Rory Viggers

Music was my first passion. Working in the creative world of music for 15 years I found spirit, community, connection, heart, energy and freedom. It was a magical time.

Through music I uncovered the power of intention, creativity and infinite possibility. If you REALLY want something the universe will most definitely deliver. For me intention is key and underpins all I do. It enriches all aspects of my life, including yoga.

I have been practicing yoga since the turn of the millennium. Studying many systems of yoga, it wasn’t until meeting Dona Holleman that things went next level. She is one of the worlds greatest teachers (who has stayed out of the limelight). She has taught (at the highest level for 50+ years) many of the worlds most senior teachers her radical approach to yoga developed from a committed personal practice, critical thinking and unorthodox concepts. Her knowledge of the physical and subtle body and yoga asana is immense.

It's a privilege to be one of a small group of her direct students to learn about yoga 'of a time where yoga had still a meaning as a spiritual path free from material gains, in which the sadhaka’s first goal is the search for truth and liberation from samsara by living the millennial teachings of the great yogis of the past’ (Dona Holleman).

Wisdom from the feminine has been intrinsic to my learning and development. Earth, nature and life-force. The yogini elders (in their 70’s and 80’s) that I continue to study with all exude this wild energy. My partner and my warrior daughters are a constant source of inspiration. Untameable and unstoppable creative power that they so fiercely embody is a constant reminder of how the world needs to embrace this energy to move the mountains that need to be moved on a pan-human scale right now. This energy is infectious.

Asana is one of my passions and is what many of my students come to me to learn - to experience asana as a fully embodied practice. It’s not what you do but the way that you do it. Thanks to my own teachers and daily asana sadhana, I continue to discover new depths and insights within this fascinating limb of practice.

It's an ultra marathon not a sprint and for this time is such a gift. As the years pass my practise gets richer and richer as I embrace the deep tapestry of yoga. Those who sell you quick fixes are selling you short. My approach takes commitment, practice and radical responsibility. If you’d like to dive below the surface, to create radical change, you are in the right place.