A women’s journey into claiming all of YOU.
The Radical Alignment Salon
Are you ready for an upgrade in the Wild, Raw, Sovereign power that curses your veins.
To fully claim and embrace the WHOLE woman that you are ?
This is for you if you’re ready to fully embrace your purpose, your souls work and you want to do that with passion, pleasure, prosperity and peace.
You can have it all and now is the time.
January - April 2023
Are you ready to Radically Align your life?
To say NO to all that you are no longer willing to tolerate, to say NO to the things that you feel in your bones are out of alignment and say YES to YOU.
To the deep PURPOSE you desire to step into
To the passion you desire to feel daily in all that you BE and do
To the prosperity and abundance of life in overflow
To all the layers of pleasure
And to experience PEACE as an embodiment state of who you BE
Purpose, Passion
Pleasure & Peace
Visualise these as spokes of a wheel, take one out and you’ll be in for a bumpy ride.
There may well be an era of life that focuses more intensely on one area, or your purpose in life might mean one area is particularly alive in you.
Answer these questions
Do you feel like you are living your soul purpose and doing it on purpose?
Do you enjoy the wealth and and sense of worth you desire, self worth, intrinsic worth and economic prosperity?
Do you actively make time for pleasure in your life and allow yourself to enjoy it without guilt?
Do you feel connected to your multi demential quantum self and show up in the world from this place of embodiment?
What I see again and again coming up is a belief that if you go for one you have to sacrifice another.
The prosperous you
The passionate you
The creative you that enjoys pleasure
The spiritual/ limitless you
But here’s the thing to to live a radically aligned life, as the WHOLE woman you be, you get to embrace all of YOU.
If you’ve been going down one road it can be daunting to try another, maybe you have the niggle at the back of your mind, what if I fail? Growth can be painful, growth can be comforting. The sooner you get comfy with uncertainty and make friends with what you perceive as ‘failing’ the freer you become to step forward, beyond the stories, beyond the limitations and meet the wholeness of your Radical Alignment.
The Radical Alignment Salon is an invitation to lead yourself
Without apology on purpose, with passion, enjoying pleasure and prosperity as you do it.
To be whole
And in that embrace of wholeness
Be in peace.
And Peace for you, is peace for me and peace for all.
Wholeness comes first. Radical wholeness and radical alignment.
So much of the anger, depression and illness in this world comes when people dress themselves in a whole outfit of SHOULD
Should take the sensible responsible job
Should put everyones needs ahead of your own
Should be the good girl, wife, disciple … fill in the blank
It is OK to desire more
More alignment
In all the things
Thats growth and expansion and what you are here for.
So where do you feel fully aligned and where is there room for refinement?
The Radical Alignment Salon will lift the lid on it all.
January 23 - April 24th 2023 - a container for women who desire to live fully into their potential.
Do you? I’m so excited to share this journey with you.
If you have ever felt limited by your circumstances, if you have ever felt the amount of love, joy, pleasure, happiness, rest, money is somehow capped for you there is an opportunity to look at the stories and beliefs you attach to, that hook you into that way of perceiving reality.
My intention for the Radical Alignment Salon and for my work in general is to lift the veil on all that constricts each of us being a channel to infinitely receive all we desire to express, receive and experience - to tap into the infinite potential that is ours for the tapping as quantum warriors.
When we do this work together we amplify the impact, for me for you for us. When we come together as a collective of women we create a space to rise in our emodiment of all we BE as WHOLE women. Are you ready for the Radical Alignment Salon, it will change the course of your 2023 and life.
What’s inside the Radical Alignment Salon
LIVE Dates & Timings (GMT)
LIVE sessions will be recorded to rewatch in your RAS portal
January 2023
23/1 Opening Ceremony 7pm
24/1 Deep DIVE into PURPOSE & PASSION 10am
27/1 Embodiment Energy Practice 7pm
February 2023
6/2 LIVE Q&A 6pm
20/2 Deep dive into PLEASURE 6pm
24/2 Embodiment Energy Practice 7pm
March 2023
6/3 LIVE Q&A 6pm
20/3 Deep dive into PROSPERITY 10am
24/3 Embodiment Energy Practice 7pm
April 2023
3/4 LIVE Q&A 6pm
6/4 Deep LIVE into Embodies PEACE 10am
14/4 Embodiment Energy Practice 7pm
24/4 LIVE Q&A and closing ceremony 6pm
For the duration of the Radical Alignment Salon you will also have access to a private group for ongoing discussion, reflection and mentoring.
**All times may be subject to change. All session are recorded and available to rewatch.
Meet your mentor…
Hi… I’m Dory Walker
I've dedicated and invested nearly 30 years of, study and practise into the transformative power of yoga.
I’m a mum of two, published author and believe you can live the life you desire and share you passion. You can have it all.
A super power of mine is TRUST 💫 A deep trust in life and the knowing that everything is always working out for me.
I am available for a radically aligned life. I listen to and act on the nudges.
Continuing to choose to listen to the nudges has not always been easy, often on paper it hasn't made sense.
And I made a decision a long time ago not to be led by what 'makes sense’ according to societal conditioning, family expectations or any external markers but what feels right. In my heart, in my gut and in my head.
When I get a nudge I jump into things before I can swim - but then it’s perfect I learn to swim.
Never one for rules I have followed my heart. It’s a cosmic and miraculous compass and it’s feels a lot.
I was 22 when I took my first yoga teacher training - which lead into 9 years of deep practice, study and travel, a peripatetic gypsy following my soul purpose and joy.
My life in those years was abundant with experiences, new horizons, forging deep connections and friendships. Freedom was the thing I prized the highest and so guess what I had it in abundance. What you focus on expands.
I’ve never been a 9-5 er. I have always known with crystalline certainly that wasn’t the life for me. I trust in my creativity, strength and resourcefulness.
I know that the stories we tell ourselves, our core beliefs are powerful. SUPER-POWERFUL. I am intentional about the stories I tell.
As I evolve my life evolves. As I grow my business grows.
I’m 44 now and what I know to be true is that I get to step away from things that are not in complete alignment.
Does it always make sense on paper? NO.
Do I trust the nudges YES? 100%.
Last year I invested an eye watering amount of money in ME.
Did it make sense? NO. I knew I wanted support. And I trusted myself.
I was willing to jump. And I was willing to ask for help.
Because my vision is greater than my fear.
Of getting it wrong. Of being judged.
The life I desire for myself, my family. And the impact I desire to have with my work.
Is big and that is 100% perfect
And so I follow the nudges, I trust.
I share all of this to say to you.
Rip up the rule book.
Follow the nudges.
Be INITIATED into the life you truly desire.
You’re more powerful than you think, you are infinite, whole and part of the infinite whole.
No permission slip needed,
You do you.
Because in all the billions on this planet.
There is only one of you and will only ever be one of you.
So what are you doing with your life?
Join ‘The Radical Alignment Salon’
a live online container for entrepreneurs, women who desire to claim all of themselves and freedom seekers.
£1444 One Payment Option
£397 Monthly x 4
PLEASE NOTE All enrolments are non-refundable.
*Terms & conditions apply