5 Day Spring Equinox Yoga Sadhana 2023
Moving into Space



Explore the pancha maya koshas (your layers of being) through embodied full spectrum Yoga practice to finally uncover greater ease, lightness and more sweetness in all layers of who you BE.

Can’t attend live? A recording will be sent out after each session

20 - 24 March 2023


Live into spaciousness

You can’t make space, you can’t create space.

Space is space, it is ever-present.

What you CAN do is live beyond your attachment and identification with the stories and patterns that hold you in contraction or stuckness.

Harness the energy of Spring to awaken a deeper embodied listening to life through your physical, energetic, mental and emotional bodies.

Through a carefully curated programme of asana, pranayama, meditation, chant & mantra, you’ll experience how you can live into spaciousness.


Meet your teachers


We’re Dory Walker & Rory Viggers

With over 22 years of experience as yoga teachers, we've supported 1000’s of yoga practitioners and yoga teachers.

We run teacher training programmes, international retreats and leading workshops, courses and events, our personal Sadhana practice is at the heart of everything we do.

We know how powerful the right practices can be because we've shifted so much for ourselves through the power of yoga in our lives, relationships (family, friends, nature) business and our self development.

LIVE Schedule

Live sessions will be recorded and available to watch in your library for 7 days after the final session

5 hours of LIVE practice plus BONUS recorded teachings and practices in your portal.

Live sessions take place daily from
Monday 20 - Friday 24 March 2023
6.30am - 7.30am (GMT)


What you’ll need

Live sessions are via Zoom
Links will be sent to you ahead of the sessions.

Have the following things at hand
Mat, blocks, belt, blanket (or similar things)

A comfortable place to sit

Chant sheets will be sent to you ahead of the programme

‘Dory has an unparalleled wealth and depth of knowledge on all aspects of yoga which she can readily draw on. Her ability to articulate succinctly key elements of yogic philosophy and connect them to our contemporary lifestyles allowed me to really focus my attention on my own personal values for development.’
Victoria, Yoga Teacher


‘Learning with Rory and Dory feels like learning with old friends - I trust them to make me feel safe, I know they have my best interests at heart, they offer challenge when you need it, but it is always a relaxing experience to spend time with them.’

 Register for
5 Day Spring Equinox Yoga Sadhana 2023’
Moving into Space



Is this suitable for me?

If you have the feeling there is more to a yoga practice than the physical, this is for you.

What happens if I miss a LIVE session?

We endeavour to upload all Live recordings into your practice portal as quickly as possible after the live broadcast. So if life, timezones, family, work or other things may prevent you from joining live, you can practice later on that day.

Who is this not for?

This isn’t suitable if you are a complete beginner to Yoga.