Supporting engaged Yoga practitioners and teachers elevate their practice, teaching & business
We support you through a system of practice that draws inspiration from the ancient roots of Yoga while integrating contemporary approaches for effective, sustainable living and practice today
The Wealth of Yoga
Expert online programmes, mentorship, community and support to fully immerse in the full spectrum of Yoga so you can live with greater peace, purpose and joy.
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Dory Walker & Rory Viggers
Dory and Rory are experienced educators and mentors who embody the full transformative expression of yoga. We have helped 1000’s of practitioners and teachers with their practice. Teaching yoga full time for over 22 years and practising for many years before that, we are direct students of some of the worlds leading yoga authorities on asana, pranayama, meditation and Vedic chanting. Running teacher training programmes, mentorships, masterminds, international retreats and leading workshops, courses and events, our personal Sadhana practice is at the heart of everything we do. Our successes are built on the foundations of practice. Transformation from practice can positively shape every aspect of your life. We’d love to work with you.
Upcoming events & programmes
Art of Asana
12 Month LIVE programme
Physical, Mental & Emotional Mastery
A new movement & method for those passionate about the full potential of asana
The Wealth of Yoga
The complete LIVE Yoga practice programme
The Wealth Of Yoga® is your expert portal of support to live the practice of Yoga
Be guided through 6 core pillars of practice, over 12 months, to experience how full-spectrum Yoga positively transforms your day to day living and equips you with tools to live life on your terms.
Meditation Vault
Virtual course - start anytime
Finally learn the art of meditation
Finally bring inner peace, clarity and balance into all areas of your life: family, relationships, business
Bite Size Yoga inspiration, tips and more from our blog
Yogakutir Community
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Join our private Facebook group 'The Yoga Practice Hub for inspiration & integration’. A space to support, develop and inspire your personal yoga practice and troubleshoot the life curveballs that land on your path.